xs integer facets
Enumeration-facet of union-types - Mailing lists - W3C.
simpleType "xs:positiveInteger" | XML Schema for XML Schemas.
Learning XML - Google Books Result.
Restrictions on XML elements are called facets.. <xs:simpleType> <xs: restriction base="xs:integer"> <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> <xs:maxInclusive.
Mar 13, 2007. In the derivation of xs:integer from xs:decimal the fractionDigits facet is fixed to 0. Xerces currently allows types dervied from xs:integer to.
xs:minExclusive - Software AG Documentation.
simpleType "xs:unsignedLong" | XML Schema for XML Schemas.
xs integer facets
XML Schema Attributes - W3Schools.xs:byte. Known Usage Locations. In derivations of other global types (1): xs:byte ( as restriction base). Annotation. Derivation: restriction of xs:int. Facets:.
<xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">. <xs:enumeration value="0"/>. <xs: enumeration. Derivation: restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger. Facets:.
simpleType "xs:short" | XML Schema for XML Schemas.
Restrictions on XML elements are called facets.. <xs:simpleType> <xs: restriction base="xs:integer"> <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> <xs:maxInclusive.
Mar 13, 2007. In the derivation of xs:integer from xs:decimal the fractionDigits facet is fixed to 0. Xerces currently allows types dervied from xs:integer to.
Apr 28, 2011. facets -- </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> You see that simpleType A. </xs: simpleType> Quiz: Is simpleType A a restriction of xs:integer?
Datatype Reference Guide (XML Schema) - 原版英è¯.
XML Schema Guide for WebPublisher PRO v13.0 - Inmagic.
xsd: how to define an element of type integer which can validate.